Saturday 19 December 2020



Many researchers and scholars used the term “Feminism” and they tried to define and explain it differently. Some of them use it to refer to some historical political movements in USA and Europe. Whereas, others refer it to the belief that women live an injustice life with no rights and no equality Zara Huda Faris explained this idea, as: “ Women need feminism because there are women who suffer injustice 

The term " Feminism ‟ has a long history; it represents  women's  problems and suffering in addition to their dreams in equal opportunities in societies controlled by man i.e. his power, rules, wishes and orders. Lara Huda Faris added also: “ women have traditionally been dehumanized by a male dominated society, which they call patriarchy; and that has been always better to be a man

The term feminism has a history in English linked with women's activism from the late 19th century to the present, it is useful to distinguish feminist ideas or beliefs from feminist political movements, for even in periods where there has been no significant political activism around women's subordination, individuals have been concerned with and theorized about justice for women.

Despite of the painful segregation and the hard inequality, women were able to stand up each time and they were able to speak and express their problems, feelings and wishes. In addition, women were able to spread it in all over the world, make it a symbol of equality, and make all people believe that men and women deserve equality in all opportunities, treatments respect and social rights.

 The term Feminism appeared in France in the late of 1880s by Hunburtine Auclert in her Journal La Citoyenne as La Feminitè where she tried to criticize male domination and to claim for women's rights in addition to the emancipation promised by the French revolution.

By the first decade of the twentieth century, the term appeared in English first in Britain and then in 1910s in America and by 1920s in the Arab World as Niswia. Feminism originates from the Latin word femina that describes women's issues.Feminism is concerned with females not just as a biological category, but the female gender as a social category, and therefore feminists shared the view that women's oppression tied to their sexuality. This was so because women and men's biological differences reflected in the organization of society, and based on these differences, women have treated as inferior to men. Whether as a theory, a social movement or a political movement, feminism specifically focuses on  women's experiences and highlights various forms of oppression that the female gender has subjected in the society. During a long period in history, woman was not considered as equal citizens, they suffered from bad treatments, discrimination and racism under man domination and rules. In spite these problems, they could challenge them and prove themselves over the society.

Woman in the past was living unequal and unfair life. She was prevented from doing any political, social and economical activities and her only job is being a housewife who takes care of home and children. At that time, woman was under the control of man who dominates all the fields in which he represents the symbol of power.

After all those problems, suffering and misery woman in the entire world started to find ways to improve herself and to change her position in life. They tried also to join their efforts, dreams and wishes to form a universal idea that speaks about all women in any place in the world this leads to the appearance of Feminism.

By the coming of Feminism, woman was able take back her rights in addition to changing her negative image. Feminism proves that woman is capable to play important roles the same as man. Moreover, the most important goals of Feminism were giving woman her total freedom in addition to equal opportunities in the representation of the political and social events.

This modest work tries to give an over view of Feminism and how it developed from being an idea or a belief to becoming a theory with standard goals and principles.

The first chapter of this work was theoretical, in which we presented the definition of Feminism in addition to its origin and its different types. It presents also some famous waves of Feminism in which it tackled the famous leaders of each one of them and more importantly, it gives its principles and goals. This chapter speaks also about the suffering of Muslim and Black woman.

The second chapter indeed gives more importance to role of woman and her achievements in the political, social and the economical fields. It shows also the status and the role of woman in the decisions making in addition to restating the common  obstacles that can any woman face when looking for her rights. This article contains the best examples of Feminism success that are a group of woman leaders mainly in politics, society and science.

 The key message of feminism in the 21st century society should highlight choice in bringing a personal meaning to feminism is to recognize  others’ right to do the exact same thing. Women all over the world nationally, regionally and globally should be able to embrace this powerful message of feminism and be able to create a positive meaning of their own womanhood and femininity. However, despite feminism being a strong successful movement, inequality and exploitation of women still exist and sadly there are women today, who are trapped in a society which doesn’t value them and leaves them neither choice nor freedom to express their views and rights.

शिवानी  मिश्रा 

शोध अध्येता - वाणिज्य संकाय परिसर,

दीन दयाल उपाध्याय गोरखपुर विश्वविद्यालय, 

गोरखपुर उत्तर प्रदेश, 273001

Note - इस लेख के संदर्भ में कोई भी प्रश्न आप सब शिवानी  मिश्रा जी से कमेंट बॉक्स में लिख कर पूछ सकते हैं।